Horses and humans have a long and shared history. Horses have played a crucial role in transportation, warfare, agriculture, and our leisure activities for thousands of years, making them one of the most important domesticated animals in our history. More recently, horses and humans have formed partnerships in the therapeutic context. So, how does this work, why does this work, and what does the research say?

Equine-assisted therapy is an approach that involves interactions between people and horses to promote emotional growth and healing. Research on equine-assisted therapy has shown positive outcomes for a variety of populations, including children with autism spectrum disorder, individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and those struggling with other mental health issues.

Studies have found that equine-assisted therapy and learning can also help improve self-esteem, reduce anxiety and depression, enhance social skills, and increase emotional regulation. The presence of horses in therapy sessions is believed to provide a calming and grounding effect, leading to a deeper connection and sense of trust between the individual, the horse and therapist.

While more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind equine-assisted therapy and its effectiveness, many therapists and clients have reported positive experiences and benefits from incorporating horses into their therapeutic interventions.
Equine assisted counselling near Coffs Harbour NSW
We share the same nervous system. We all have flight, fight, freeze and fawn responses to threats, whether real or perceived. Horses can help humans regulate their physiological and emotional responses
Like us, horses are sentient beings with the capacity to experience pleasure, fear and pain. We both need respect and compassion to thrive in any given situation.
Horses are social animals. We share some common needs, like the need for social connection and security.
As a prey animal, horses are highly sensitive to their environment. They bring this level of awareness to all of their interactions with people. Horses can teach us how to be more self-aware and mindful of our impact on others.
Horses are masters of non-verbal communication. They are highly observant and very astute at reading both horse and human non-verbal communication signals. Horses bring this awareness to the triangular relationship between the client, horse, and therapist.
Like us, horses live in organised herds where there are unwritten expectations and norms of behaviour. There are many valuable lessons that translate from the horse herd to the human herd, especially in the area of leadership.
Horses and humans both depend on social intelligence for successful relationships. Social intelligence is an important part of our day-to-day interactions with others. Horses can help us build our social skills, so we experience higher levels of self-esteem and positive wellbeing.
Horses have excellent boundaries with each other and with humans. Horses can help us understand our own boundaries and any areas for improvement.
Horses live in the moment and are non-judgemental. This is one of the great gifts that horses bring to the therapeutic relationship. They provide us with honest and immediate feedback. In conjunction with the therapist, they give us the space and time to explore our emotions in safe environment.
Just like us, horses build healthy relationships based on trust. Horses know that this is a non-negotiable pre-requisite in any important relationship.
The horse-human relationship is sensitive to, and dependent on, calm emotional regulation. Over time, horses can help adults and children identify their emotional cues and regulate their physiological and emotional responses.
Horses are highly intuitive and great teachers. If we really listen, there is much to learn.

Equine Assisted Counselling + Therapy Bellingen Valley

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